I have always loved designer handbags but I am frugal to say the least. That is one of the reasons, I've always like consignment stores. Typically when I purchase a luxury handbag, it is pre-owned (unless the bag is very special). I always looked for pre-owned (previously loved) handbags in great shape. Here are the reasons you should consider purchasing your next luxury handbag pre-owned.
- You can find rare styles that may have been discontinued or had minor changes through the years.
- Many of the older bags are of better quality. Some design houses now use different manufacturing locations in different counties. Therefore the new bags are not always made with the same quality as the older bags.
- Get the bag you want without breaking the bank. It's like buying a car. Most handbags depreciate (there are a few exceptions) when you take out of the store. So why pay the extra money for a brand new bag when you can get a previously-loved bag in excellent condition for a fraction of the cost. (Use the extra money to do something fun...or save for a rainy day)
- It is sustainable shopping and you are helping the environment. When shopping previously-loved you are doing your part to save the environment.
- You are able to score bags that may be on a waitlist as a new bag, but if you purchase previously loved...no waiting for you.
I'm challenging you to shop pre-owned for your next bag and you will not only be excited to have a beautiful bag but you will also love the money you save in the process.