We pride ourselves on selling only 100% authentic designer merchandise. Our internal authenticity team is trained on verifying the authenticity of designer handbags, clothing, shoes, jewelry, accessories and more. Each piece that we take in is carefully inspected for luxury construction techniques and brand-specific marks and traits. We look for designer tags, authenticity labels, date codes, hologram stickers, inspector tags, branded zippers, coordinating hardware, and much, much more.
eKlozet is owned and operated independently, and it is not affiliated with the brands identified on this site. We have the right to deny the sale of any item if we suspect it to be counterfeit, and we may request documentation or proof of purchase at any time in order to consign a particular item. We stand by our authenticity guarantee and we will fully cooperate with brands looking to protect their registered trademarks, which may include revealing the source of the product.